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Nov 14, 2023

Generative AI belongs on the CEOs' agenda!


Julia Keller Marketing & Communications

The best time for Generative AI is now! But are companies even ready for it yet? In the latest issue of DIGITAL BUSINESS CLOUD, Kai Müller explains what CEOs need to do now to remain competitive.

AI has arrived in society and in companies. And the benefits that the technology promises are enticing: time savings, more sustainable use of resources, optimization of processes, to name but a few. And although the technology is already being used for strategic decisions in many industries, only just under 30 percent of managers believe that they have sufficient expertise to use generative AI.

AI needs to get out of the specialist department and straight onto the CEO agenda!
Kai Müller, Founder and CEO at Experience One

For Kai Müller, it is therefore clear that a successful transformation must start at the very top: namely with the CEO. Only when AI and a clear attitude towards it become part of the mindset and anchored in the company can acceptance and understanding be achieved among the workforce. And only then will companies find out what specific potential AI can leverage for their individual business model.

So what do CEOs need to do in concrete terms? Exploration is the keyword. "Having your own twin is the best way to get to grips with generative AI and find out which dimensions need to be considered," says Kai Müller. The AI must reflect the brand in order to retain sovereignty over the customer experience.

You can read the full article in the current issue of DIGITAL BUSINESS CLOUD.

To the article (German)

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