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Jan 25, 2024

Experience One wins Nina Haller as CMO

Experience One gains digital expert Nina Haller as CMO, who focuses on the use of AI technologies in marketing.

Press Contact

Aline Stang Marketing & Communications

Stuttgart/Berlin/Frankfurt, 25.01.2024 - Nina Haller, until recently Managing Director at media.monks, joined Experience One, a leading partner for digital transformation and innovation, as Chief Marketing Officer in January 2024. She has set herself the goal of putting new technologies such as generative AI on the agenda of CMOs.

Nina Haller has joined the management team of Experience One, the partner for digital transformation and innovation for national and international corporations and institutions such as Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Zeiss, AOK, EnBW, and Finanz Informatik of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, as Chief Marketing Officer. The former Managing Director of media.monks and previously Accenture has relevant experience in digital marketing for brands such as BMW, Bayer and nestlé. The CMO wants to use technology-based insights along the customer journey to drive innovative solutions on this basis.

Today, we have the technological means and data in our hands to take the customer experience to the next level and thus secure companies a strategic competitive advantage and innovation leadership.
Nina Haller is convinced that the use of technology improves the customer experience and increases the competitiveness of companies.
Nina Haller, Chief Marketing Officer at Experience One

With Experience One, her main aim is to tap into the potential of Generative AI for greater customer centricity in companies and possible applications in direct contact with consumers. Experience One has already developed an AI configurator for digital agents that can be used to implement synthetic personas and intelligent customer solutions. The specially developed software is already being used in the automotive, finance, insurance and energy sectors.

"Generative AI is a key technology that now belongs on the agenda of all decision-makers. I am convinced that CMOs are facing a major leadership task and need to develop into tech leaders. I am stepping up to establish this new understanding of the role," emphasizes Nina Haller.

We specialize in turning corporations into innovation leaders. And anyone who wants to assert themselves as an innovation leader in these times will not be able to avoid developing their own brand AI. Nina knows better than almost anyone else how to take a holistic approach to marketing and at the same time think about the potential of new technologies to create a holistic understanding of what consumers want and need.
Kai Müller emphasizes the importance of the decision to appoint Nina Haller as the new CMO.
Kai Müller, Founder and CEO at Experience One

Press material

  1. Pdf: PM CMO 2024 01 25 PDF, 189.82 KB
  2. Image: Picture – Kai Müller, CEO Experience One JPEG, 91.705 KB
  3. Image: Picture – Nina Haller, CMO Experience One JPG, 539.355 KB

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