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Jan 24, 2024

ESG data platform Dataland launched

As a partner of Dataland, Experience One was responsible for the UX and UI design for the data platform.
As a partner of Dataland, Experience One was responsible for the UX and UI design for the data platform.

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Julia Keller Marketing & Communications

Frankfurt, Januar 24th 2024—Dataland, the new platform for ESG data, democratizes access to corporate information through an open, transparent and fair data marketplace. The innovative approach allows data to be centrally provided, validated and queried. As a partner for UX, UI and front-end development, Experience One was responsible for the design and technological implementation.

As a neutral platform, Dataland offers a new type of access for users from the financial sector, science, NGOs or public institutions as well as for data owners, especially from the private sector. Dataland is aimed at various target groups such as analysts, CSR managers and asset managers alike. They can provide, review and access ESG (environmental, social, governance) data.

With the innovative platform approach, gaps in data can be closed more quickly and data quality can be kept high—while at the same time lower costs for all participants. Dataland already structures the information according to relevant reporting structures such as the Paris Climate Protection Agreement, the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG).

Dataland’s innovative approach as a neutral and central platform for ESG data becomes more effective the easier and more intuitive it is to access. That's why Experience One, as a partner for user experience and design as well as front-end development, has made it self’s mission to simplify the key aspects of handling ESG data as much as possible: Providing, validating and querying data.

With our aim of developing leading innovations, we also approached the new Dataland platform. We are now at the beginning of a revolution in the data economy. For the future, I am convinced that the use of generative AI will also enable us to take access to and handling of the wealth and complexity of data to a new level.
Kai Müller von Experience One betont, dass der Einsatz von generativer KI einen neuen Zugang zu ESG-Daten ermöglichen wird.
Kai Müller, Founder and CEO, Experience One

Dataland is oriented towards the common good, earmarked for a specific purpose and is a subsidiary of the Werte-Stiftung. PwC, Experience One, d-fine, T-Systems and KYT are partners in the joint Dataland project.

Learn more about Dataland

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