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Jul 20, 2023

stern Reporter Cloned!

In the 24-hour AI experiment by stern and Experience One, a digital twin that opens up new interactions with news.


Aline Stang Marketing & Communications

Is it possible to create the digital doppelganger of a reporter in 24 hours with the help of artificial intelligence? In an experiment with the weekly magazine stern, we took a chance.

What if Conversational AI provided a completely new approach to news? If you could ask questions about each article and have the author explain the background?

With this in mind, we started the self-experiment and not only recreated appearance, voice, and behavior, but also integrated context and equipped it with appropriate capabilities.

As Experience Engineers, we had a lot of fun meeting cultural author Stephan Maus. In the latest issue of stern and online, he reports how far we got in the experiment and what meeting his alter ego did to the reporter (in German):

Go to article (stern+)
For us, it was an exciting experiment that directly grounded the hype around Conversational AI and inspired us to create many more use case scenarios for different industries.
Kai Müller, CEO of Experience One, emphasizes how engaging with Conversational AI helps to understand the potential of the technology.
Kai Müller, Founder and CEO, Experience One

If you want to get to know the multi-faceted vocabulary, peppered with humor and irony, you’ll find the not-so-evil author twin here (in German):

Go to the digital twin

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